Sunday, October 23, 2011


I like scones, preferably savory. I also happen to enjoy bacon, gruyere, and green onions. The recipe I found over at Spoon Fork Bacon is worth making. Best scones ever. Yes they are.


Hello weekenders! Isn't this the most beautiful photo ever? It is from the winter catalogue from TOAST. It nearly took my breath away.

You want to know something? I am ready for Christmas.... what? I know, I usually want to savor every moment of the fall, every moment of winter, and the truth is, I still do. But it all flies by in New York, faster than it can be truly enjoyed. Now that I am in Indiana, I am antsy for the warm fuzzies and happiness that Christmas brings. I think I even know what I want from the big guy in red. I want a nice digital camera (developing film gets exhausting) and some soft sheets with thin green or grey stripes all over them. That should do it.

Anyways, wishing you all the warmest cozies through the fall season and onto the winter.

Friday, October 14, 2011

ginger and plum

Ginger and plum make an excellent crumble. The recipe I used is HERE. This is a perfect dessert or great with yogurt for breakfast.

And since you can't bake without a good playlist, here are some nice tunes for fall.
fall, i love you! you've been making life so cozy and restful. thanks for that!